
Personal Motivation

“Ponder the path of Thy feet, and let all Thy ways be established” (Proverbs 4,26).

  1. Sprachen sind meine Leidenschaft! Ich arbeite mit hoher Motivation und Zielstrebigkeit
  2. Ich baue auf Ehrlichkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Freundlichkeit
  3. Die mir übertragenen Aufgaben erfülle ich gewissenhaft und unparteiisch
  4. Ich transportiere die Sprache schnell und kompetent
  5. Ich entwickle mich stets weiter; die sprachliche Weiterbildung hat oberste Priorität
  6. Die christlichen Werte und die biblischen Grundsätze leiten meine Arbeit in jeder Hinsicht

Die Taten sprechen weit mehr als die Worte – überzeugen Sie sich selbst!

Career Development

Everything began with the music of the language…

Languages have always amazed me. Ever since my childhood in Bulgaria I have been diving into their world. The music flowing used to make me stuck in front of the TV watching broadcasted language courses. Later the melody of the English language mesmerized me as well as the precision of the German language.

My father used to say: “Languages are a window to the world.” Now I can only add that the view is full of wonders and inspires me more and more each day.

I am a translator and an interpreter and I implement my skills with heart and soul and this shows in my work.

since 2012
Ermächtigte Übersetzerin für Spanisch Generalkonsulat des Königreichs Spanien in Düsseldorf

Member of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ)


Generally sworn-in interpreter and authorised translator of the Higher Regional Court in Cologne for the German, Bulgarian, Spanish and English language

2008 – 2011

Employee in the Export Department for Spain and Bulgaria

2001 – 2008

Study Translating and Interpreting at University of Applied Sciences in Cologne

Graduated translator
Expertise: economics, law, technology

Language: Spanish, English, German

Experience abroad

2004 - 2005

Scholarship “ERASMUS” at Facultad de traducción e Interpretación Soria, Spain


Intensive Language Spanish Course „Intermedio alto“ (C2), Colegio Delibes, Salamanca, Spain

until 1998

Residence in Bulgaria

Additional Language Specialization:

Alive, each language grows, develops, blossoms and changes itself.

I always strive to develope my knowledge – even nowadays. My necessity to experience something new motivates me to explore new areas.

since 2011


2010 -2011
Business English (C2)
Wall Street Institute Köln

Seminar „Client Oriented Business in the Sales Sector”, ProKomm, Cologne


Advanced German Language Course: sophistication of written skills up to university and professional level (C2), VHS, Cologne


Advanced Spanish language course (C2), Facultad de traducción e Interpretación Soria, Spain


Practical Internship: „Heraldo de Soria“ newspaper, Soria, Spain. Specialization: summaries, research work and translation of press-releases from Colipsa, Efe, Fax Press and Reuters.


Intensive Language Spanish course „Intermedio alto“, Colegio Delibes, Salamanca, Spain


Introduction to Power Point 2000, Catholic Center for education, Cologne


Seminar “Quality Service in Guest Management, Trade Fair, Cologne

1998 -1999

Language Course „German as a Foreign Language”, VHS, Dresden
Certificate: Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung, Goethe Institute

1994 - 1997

English language course, Pharos Schools, Bulgaria
Certificate:: Oxford Certificate, Preliminary Level

1992 - 1997

Secondary School  „Konstantin Preslavski”, Bourgas, Bulgaria
Main subject: German foreign language Education completed: Secondary School Diploma